Performance glass (low E)
Performance glass (low E), also commonly known as low emissivity or smart glass

This range of glass has a coating which provides various solar and thermal protection. Performance glass was first developed to reduce the amount of ultraviolet and infrared light that can pass through glass without lowering the amount of visible light coming through.

By reducing the amount of transferred heat, Low E glass allows a building to become more energy efficient by keeping the cool air inside in tropical climates. Other types of performance glass have the reverse benefits in colder climates.

Performance ratings are set to a SHGC (Solar Heat Gained Co-efficient) rating, a U-value rating, a VLT (Visible Light Transmittance) and a VLR (Visible Light Reflectance) rating.

Solar Heat (SHGC) is the solar radiation transmitted. Infrared Light (U-Value) is the thermal Insulation rating. It’s important to evaluate the differences in these ratings when choosing the right glass for your application.


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